Cant ssh on mac
Cant ssh on mac

Surely it would be necessary to install networking (port 80) on guest but with a MacOS host, it seems to be difficult, with bridging and virtual interfaces.

#Cant ssh on mac how to

If anyone could see how to circumvent this issue ? The problem is that I can't install others packages than ones provided by Debian-Sparc64 QEMU image because I have not the network on this guest ( i.e I can't use apt-get install ). I have nethertheless "SSH Client" (I mean the " ssh" command), but I don't know how to connect to MacOS host from the Debian Sparc64 guest. I forgot to say that QEMU image used ( debian 9.0 Sparc64 guest) has not by default "SSH server" running on it, as it is showed with this command under root : # ps aux | grep ssh Nmap scan report for localhost (Īnd the results, also on MacOS host, of : nmap localhost -p 2222 Here are the results, on MacOS host, of : nmap localhost -p 22 If someone could see what's wrong, this would be fine to let me know. Unfortunately, the above command doesn't ask a password, it stays locked.

cant ssh on mac

Then, I try to connect to guest from my MacOS host with : ssh -p 2222 localhost

cant ssh on mac cant ssh on mac

From what I have seen, I launch Sparc64 with following options : qemu-system-sparc64 -hda debian_sparc64.img -m 2048 -net nic -net user,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22 -nographic I try to get ssh access between host and guest, without success. I have installed a guest Debian Sparc64 with QEMU on a MacOS 10.9.5. I don't know if I am on the right forum but here's my issue :

Cant ssh on mac